All my cross stitch patterns are easy to follow embroidery charts. Enjoy modern cross stitch art for your boho home, nursery or adult quote wall decor.
You will receive all 12 zodiac cross stitch patterns in one bundle.
◗ You're wondering how this works? EASY!
1. purchase the Zodiac Bundle
2. open your Purchases in your Etsy account and download + open the PDF file from TinyCrossStitches
3. click the red highlighted link within the PDF you just downloaded
4. the link takes you to my ZODIAC BUNDLE - now download whatever pattern you like - anytime and even anywhere
◗ You do NOT need to have a account at all in order to access your patterns! Simply follow the steps 1-4 above and download them from your laptop, computer or phone - without the need for an account and save the pattern files to your device or folder of choice.
◗ all my patterns are in a ZIP format ready for download - it's faster and smaller for you to access them
Can't decide on one pattern and would love to save money?
Get all patterns for an insanely low price!
◗ 3 PDF files: multi page, Pattern Keeper (Android) or Markup R-XP (IOS) and one page chart
◗ symbols on coloured blocks, black & white symbol and coloured symbol pattern
◗ symbol legend on every page for easy tracking
◗ floss legend with colours, quantity, length and stitch count
◗ stitched preview of pattern
◗ BONUS: one page pattern charts included as well!